News and updates

  • March 22, 2023 - Publication of the "Fourth scrolling of the ranking list of NON-EU Candidates in Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2022-23 - March 22, 2023" »»» Deadline for enrolment: March 29, 2023
  • March 15, 2023 - Publication of the "Third scrolling of the ranking list of NON-EU Candidates in Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2022-23 - March 15, 2023". »»» Deadline for enrolment: March 20, 2023
  • March 9, 2023 - Publication of the "Second scrolling of the ranking list of NON-EU Candidates in Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2022-23 - March 9, 2023". »»» Deadline for enrolment: March 13, 2023 
  • March 2, 2023 - Publication of the "First scrolling of the ranking list of NON-EU Candidates in Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2022-23 - March 1, 2023". »»» Deadline for enrolment: March 7, 2023 
  • Si avvisano i candidati ammessi che le iscrizioni sono aperte e dovranno essere perfezionate entro il 19 ottobre 2022. Prima di procedere, tutti i candidati devono registrarsi sul portale dell'Ateneo. I candidati comunitari che risultano prenotati sono pregati di inviare tempestivamente una email a per essere abilitati all'iscrizione. Tutte le informazioni relative alla registrazione e alla immatricolazione sono contenute nel bando di ammissione al corso di laurea
  • Enrolment applications are now open and must be submitted by October 19.
    Before enrolling, all candidates must register on the University platform. Candidates applying for the Eu quota whose status is 'booked' must send an email to the Student Service, at, in order to have access to the matriculation procedure.
    All information regarding the processes mentioned above can be found in the competition notice.
  • October 14, 2022 - Publication of the "Ranking of candidates from Non-EU countries living abroad".
  • October 12, 2022 - The final rankings are going to be published on October 14.
    In order to speed up the enrolment process, all candidates are kindly invited to complete the registration on the Unipr platform by following the instructions povided in the call for admissions (page 14) as soon as possible, preferably by October 14.
  • September 29, 2022 - 9:00 am Opening of the ballot boxes containing the candidates' forms. Classroom 1 Biotechnology Complex Via Volturno 39.
    This phase will take place after the publication of the anonymous general ranking list on the Cineca website and it will consist of the opening of the ballot boxes of the personal data sheets, still closed and sealed, their counting and verification of correctness.

General information

  • Bando di ammissione / Notice of admission
  • Sede didattica / Location: Piacenza
  • Numero di domande presentate per l'A.A. 2021-2022 / Number of applications submitted for A.Y. 2021-2022: 333
  • Numero di posti disponibili per l'A.A. 2022-23: 60 più 40 posti riservati a studenti extracomunitari
  • Places available A.Y. 2022-2023: 60 for Italian citizens, EU citizens and Non-EU citizens treated as such, 40 for Non-EU citizens residing abroad
  • Numero di domande presentate per l'A.A. 2022-23 / Number of applications submitted for A.Y. 2022-23: 204
  • Data, orario e luogo della prova: 13 settembre 2022 - Aule Centrali del Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia (mappa)
  • Date, time and place of the test: September 13, 2022 - Central Classrooms of the Department of Medicine and Surgery (map)
  • Numero di candidati presenti alla prova / Number of candidates attending the test: 177
  • International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT) website:
  • Sito del corso / Course website: /

* Si comunica che, a seguito della pubblicazione del Decreto Ministeriale n.1055 del 3 settembre 2022, il numero di posti disponibili per l'a.a. 2022-2023 per candidati comunitari e non comunitari residenti in Italia è rimasto invariato. Il decreto e i relativi allegati possono essere consultati al seguente link:

* Following the publication of Ministerial Decree No. 1055 dated Sept. 3, 2022, the number of available places for A.Y. 2022-2023 for EU and non-EU candidates residing in Italy remained unchanged.
The decree and its annexes can be viewed at the following link (in Italian):

Modified on

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