During the ESNO 2024 conference held in Milan last week, Antonio Bonacaro, Associate Professor of General, Clinical, and Pediatric Nursing Sciences, was awarded the prestigious fellowship of the European Specialist Nursing Organisation. As stated by ESNO President Adriano Friganovic during the award ceremony: "This recognition is the result of Prof. Bonacaro's dedication and constant commitment to excellence in nursing sciences." The ESNO President emphasised the significant journey the newly appointed Fellow has been undertaking both in clinical and academic perspectives that spans over twenty years in Italy and abroad.

Prof. Bonacaro declared: "I accept this mark of esteem with deep gratitude and dedicate this achievement to my colleagues and students at the University of Parma and its affiliated University Hospitals, as well as to all those with whom I have had the honor of collaborating abroad. I will continue to serve the profession and the academic community, of which I am proud to be a part, with the same commitment."

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